Weston Homes revamps £270m Anglia Square scheme

Weston Homes revamps £270m Anglia Square scheme

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Initial proposals for the 11.5 acre site were passed by Norwich City Council but rejected by the Housing Secretary in November 2020 forcing Weston back to the drawing board.

The new lower-rise scheme contains 14 buildings, ranging from three to eight storeys, designed around inner courtyards, two public squares and a network of pedestrian streets.

The revised proposals for Anglia Square will provide for up to 1,100 homes of mixed tenure and up to 80,369 sq ft of retail, commercial and leisure premises including a community hub, up to 450 car parking spaces, new cycle bays and new tree planting, green landscaping and ecological features.

The plans are based on extensive local community and key stakeholder consultation undertaken between April 2020 and March 2021.

The rise in digital retailing and changes in shopping habits triggered by the pandemic has enabled Weston Homes to reconsider all elements of the commercial viability of the proposals.

There is now a 30% reduction in the overall floorspace of the proposed development, from over 1.9 m sq ft down to 1.23 m sq ft currently.

The amount of retail and commercial space has also been dramatically reduced (from 428,465 sq ft down to 80,369 sq ft), with the new proposals creating more commercially viable outlets.

The oroginal plans proposed a smaller number of much larger buildings rising from five to 12 storeys, including a 20 storey landmark tower.

In the new scheme the tower has been removed and the large blocks have been broken up in favour of a collection of smaller, lower rise buildings designed around a network of pedestrian lanes.

Bob Weston, Chairman & Managing Director of Weston Homes said: “With the new proposals for Anglia Square we have consulted in depth with local people and listened to all the key stakeholders.

“After many months of hard work on the designs we hope that the new application will be well received by the planning committee and local people of Norwich. Weston Homes remains firmly committed to finding a viable future for Anglia Square which has the support of the people of Norwich.”

The original scheme had a 20 storey tower at its heart

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