Immediately after Will Smith shocked everyone by slapping Chris Rock on stage at the Academy Awards after Rock’s distasteful joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, a photo of Oscar nominee Nicole Kidman gasping went viral. Some on social media claimed it was her reaction to the jaw-dropping moment at the ceremony. But that’s not the truth, Entertainment Tonight and Huffington Post reported. The photo is from long before the Smith moment happened. HuffPo noted that Reuters photographers shot the moment from a different angle before the ceremony started. The outlet additionally noted that when the slap did happen, Kidman was wearing her husband Keith Urban’s jacket.
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Diddy said that Smith and Rock were able to reconcile after the moment. When asked about the two’s feud, Diddy told Page Six, “That’s not a problem. That’s over. I can confirm that.” Diddy did not detail how the two reconciled but added, “It’s all love. They’re brothers.”
Smith himself told Variety‘s Marc Malkin, when asked how he was doing at Vanity Fair‘s Oscar after party, “It’s all love.”
Rock declined to press charges against Smith for the slap. The Los Angeles Police Department released a statement, which Entertainment Tonight obtained. “LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program,” the LAPD said. “The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.”
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